/////// // gaAddons.js // @Author Stéphane Hamel - shamel@immeria.net - http://immeria.net // @Author Andy Edmonds - http://alwaysbetesting.com // @Author Damon Gudaitis - http://www.damongudaitis.com/ // /////// // License: Version: MPL 1.1 // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version // 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, // WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the // License. // // Changelog: // v2.7 - Nov. 10 2009 - Further improvement to outbound links tracking // v2.6 - Oct. 22 2009 - Fix outbound link sometime showing // // v2.5 - Jun. 1st 2009 - Make sure to load at "onload", rewritten as an object // v2.4 - Apr. 21st 2009 - Fix trackPageview() syntax // v2.3 - Apr. 10th 2009 - Fix logic issues. Add tracking of mailto links. Allow tracker to be named something else than pageTracker // v2.2 - Mar. 20nd 2009 - Fix issue with tracking download docs on current domain // v2.1 - Jan. 22nd 2009 - Set bUseEventForOutbout and bUserEventForDownload to toggle use of Events or Page Views // v2.0 - Jan. 2009 - Use Google Analytics Events to track downloads and external links // v1.0 - Inspired by the work of Justin Cutroni - Google Analytics Short Cut - http://gashortcut.com/ /////// /* * @fileoverview Wrapper for gaAddons */ var bUseEventForOutbound = true; // Set to false to use trackPageview for outbount links var bUseEventForDownload = true; // Set to false to use trackPageview for downloads var gaA_fileTypes = new RegExp(/\.(docx*|xlsx*|pptx*|exe|zip|pdf|xpi)$/i); // Indicate each file extension that needs to be tracked, gaA_fileTypes is the regular expression that matches downloadable files var gaA_pageTracker = pageTracker; // Should be set to the name of your tracker variable /// No need to change anything below this line /** * @class ga Addons component. * This class encapsulates all logic for the Google Analytics addons * @constructor */ var gaAddons = function(){ /** * startListening: add a new listner for onclick event, handle Mozilla or IE methods * @param {Object} obj HREF object to listen to * @param {String} evnt event type (usually "click") * @param {Object} func Function to call when evnt is triggered */ var startListening = function(obj, evnt, func){ if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(evnt, func, false); else if (obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent("on" + evnt, func); } /** * trackDocument: make GA call when downloading one of detected file extension, use trackEvent() or trackPageView() methods * @param {Object} evnt Object where the event happened */ var trackDocument = function(evnt){ evnt=evnt||event; var elmnt = evnt.srcElement||evnt.target; var pathname = ("/" + elmnt.pathname).replace(/\/\//,''); bUseEventForDownload ? gaA_pageTracker._trackEvent("download", "click", pathname) : gaA_pageTracker._trackPageview("/download" + pathname); } /** * trackExternalLink: make GA call when clicking an outbound link, use trackEvent() or trackPageView() methods * @param {Object} evnt Object where the event happened */ var trackExternalLink = function(evnt){ evnt=evnt||event; var elmnt = evnt.srcElement||evnt.target; if (elmnt) { while (elmnt.tagName != "A") elmnt = elmnt.parentNode; if (/http/.test(elmnt.protocol)) { url = elmnt.href.substr(elmnt.href.indexOf('//')+2,Infinity); bUseEventForOutbound ? gaA_pageTracker._trackEvent("outbound", "click", url) : gaA_pageTracker._trackPageview(("/outbound/" + url)); } if (elmnt.protocol == "mailto:") bUseEventForOutbound ? gaA_pageTracker._trackEvent("mailto", "click", elmnt.href.replace(/mailto:/, "")) : gaA_pageTracker._trackPageview("/mailto/" + elmnt.href.replace(/mailto:/)); } else { if (/http/.test(this.protocol)) { url = this.href.substr(this.href.indexOf('//')+2,Infinity); bUseEventForOutbound ? gaA_pageTracker._trackEvent("outbound", "click", url) : gaA_pageTracker._trackPageview("/outbound/" + url); } if (this.protocol == "mailto:") bUseEventForOutbound ? gaA_pageTracker._trackEvent("mailto", "click", this.href.replace(/mailto:/, "")) : gaA_pageTracker._trackPageview("/mailto/" + this.href.replace(/mailto:/)); } } /** * Initialize gaAddons */ if (document.getElementsByTagName && typeof gaA_pageTracker == "object") { var hrefs = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var l = 0, m = hrefs.length; l < m; l++) if (gaA_fileTypes.test(hrefs[l].pathname)) startListening(hrefs[l], "click", trackDocument); else if (hrefs[l].hostname != location.hostname) startListening(hrefs[l], "click", trackExternalLink); } } if (window.addEventListener) // Standard window.addEventListener('load', gaAddons, false); else if (window.attachEvent) // old IE window.attachEvent('onload', gaAddons); /// EOF ///