Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Accessing the Student Information System

  • Click on 'Students' at the top of the OCAD home page.
  • Click on 'STUDENT LOGIN/My Records' (Formerly Register Online).
  • Read the information on the Welcome screen and then click on the LOGON line at the bottom.
  • Enter your student identification number in the "Student Number" box. Enter your PIN in the "Student PIN" box.
  • Click on the "Sign in" button to log on to the Student Information System.

Note: If this is the first time you are signing on to the OCAD student information system, you will use your birth date (YYMMDD) to activate your account. Follow the on-line instructions to create your PIN.

How to Register

1. Select "Registration" from the menu.
2. Complete the Declaration Form. You will be required to complete this form only once for each session. The on-line declaration is equivalent to your signature on a registration form and allows you to verify that your recorded program and immigration status are correct. Click on the pulldown menu to select the applicable Program/Session (e.g. Undergraduate: Fall/Winter). Confirm your program status and immigration status by clicking in the appropriate circles and click "Submit".

Consult with the Assistant Dean of your Faculty if you believe your program is incorrect.

If your immigration status has changed, you must bring your Confirmation of Permanent Residence or your Canadian citizenship card to the Information Desk in the Office of the Registrar for verification. If you do not provide documentation confirming your citizenship, you will be subject to international tuition fees.
3. Complete the Computer Account Agreement. Once you have submitted your Declaration, the Computer Account Agreement pages will open. Note your personal student e-mail address, and read the Acceptable Computer Use policy. Indicate that you have read and understood the policy by entering your PIN in the appropriate box and click on "Submit Agreement". You will then be transferred to the Registration page.
4. On the web registration screen, select the applicable Program/Session from the pulldown menu. Enter the course name and number you wish to register (ie. VISC 2B07) in the designated box and click on the "Show Available" button.
Click on the course section you wish to add from the Available Primary Offerings list and then click on the "Add Course" button on the left bar.
The section you select must be highlighted in blue before you click on the "Add Course" button. Note that even if the course only has one section available, you must click on it before clicking on the "Add Course" button.
If the course requires registration in a corresponding tutorial or lab, you must also choose (click on) a section in the Available Secondary Offerings list before clicking on the "Add Course" button on the left bar.
Read ANY messages which appear—they contain important information concerning your registration selection.
Note: If a course is full, the following message will appear:
" There are no available sections for this course.
 Consult with an advisor for possible alternatives
5. Review your successful registration as it appears in the 'List of Registered Courses' box. If no courses appear under this heading, your registration was not successful.  Please try again, or contact regservices@ocad.ca for assistance.
6. When you have finished, click on the "Exit System" button to end your registration session. 


The university may deregister you from your course(s) for the following reasons:

  • Not having the prerequisites as noted in the calendar.
  • Not providing required documentation. 

Overrides, or Special Approval to Register

If you are restricted from taking a course but receive special approval to do so from the Dean of the Faculty offering the course, you must then register for the course before the registration deadline following normal registration procedures.  Contact the office of the Faculty offering the course for further information.
Note: This special approval is at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty offering the course.

Changing your Registration

To transfer to another section of a course, you must drop the original section before you can add the new section. It is advisable to first ensure that there is space available in the desired section before you drop the one you already have.
To drop a course, highlight the course in your List of Registered Courses and then click on the "Drop Course" button on the left bar.
You may add, drop or change full-year (duration 1) course sections on-line until 4 pm on Tuesday, September 18, 2007.

You may add, drop or change course sections on-line for the fall semester (duration 2) until 4 pm on Tuesday, September 18, 2007.
You may add, drop or change course sections on-line for the winter semester (duration 3) until 4 pm on Friday, January 18, 2008.

Withdrawing from Courses

To withdraw from a course after registration closes, you must submit a completed Course Change Form to the Office of the Registrar. Forms are available at this office.

  • You may not withdraw from full-year (duration 1) courses after
    Friday, January 18, 2008.
  • You may not withdraw from fall semester (duration 2) courses after
    Wednesday, October 31, 2007.
  • You may not withdraw from winter semester (duration 3) courses after
    Friday, March 7, 2008.

Last Modified:2/29/2008 3:36:21 PM