Ontario College of Art & Design

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The Postgraduate Certificate program in Printmaking provides the opportunity for students to engage, through a hands-on approach, in both analog and digital forms of image making. The courses are designed to augment a student’s visual vocabulary, add technical and conceptual skills and explore new and alternative ways for designing and presenting visual artifacts.

COURSE           COURSE NAME                                                        CREDIT

Two of the following courses: 1.0
PRNT 2B01    Screenprinting
PRNT 2B02    Relief
PRNT 2B16    Lithography
PRNT 2B17    Intaglio
PRNT 3C05    Intermediate Printmaking Studio 1.0
200 Level PRNT Studio or PRNT STU/SEM courses 1.5
300 and 400 Level PRNT Studio or PRNT STU/SEM courses 1.0
200, 300 or 400 Level Liberal Studies 0.5

Last Modified:1/24/2012 12:57:10 PM