Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Graphic Design Thesis 1
1.00 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: GRPH 3B19 Graphic Design 4 (minimum grade of 60%) or GRPH 3K02 Graphic Design 4 (minimum grade of 60%)
and 14.0 credits, including all first-year and second- year requirement (10.0 credits)
Graphic Design Thesis is a student-driven course of study that demands rigor in both design process and academic scholarship. The challenge before Thesis students is to cross the line between author and designer, to guide research that communicates effectively through both visual form and the written word. After enrollment in 4C04, students engage in a semester of independent research that integrates qualitative and quantitative methods, theoretical inquiry and formal practice.
Anti-requisite: GRPH 4K01 Graphic Design Thesis Project 1
Notes: Due to course content, it is required that students register with the SAME INSTRUCTOR for GRPH 4C04 and GRPH 4C05 and both courses must be taken in the same academic year.
Conditions: Requires a minimum grade of 60% to advance to GRPH 4C05 Graphic Design Thesis 2.
Should a student be unsuccessful in attaining a 60% average in GRPH 4C05 Graphic Design Thesis 2, they will be required, regardless of their mark in GRPH 4C04 Graphic Design Thesis 1 to repeat the fall component of this course, GRPH 4C04 Graphic Design Thesis 1, as well as the winter component of this course GRPH 4C05 Graphic Design Thesis 2.
Course was last updated June 25, 2012 - 6:04 PM