Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Introduction to Cross Disciplinary Studio
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: 3.0 credits of first-year studio and 1.0 credit of first-year liberal studies, (must include one of the Essay and the Argument courses with a passing grade of 60%: ENGL 1B04 or ENGL 1B05, formerly LBST 1B11, LBST 1B12 or LBST 1B13).
Since Modernism and continuing into the 21st century many contemporary artists find that they require more than one medium to adequately express their concepts and thus their work has increasingly crossed disciplinary boundaries. In this studio course, students will research and experiment with the combination of media – in individual works and across their practices – in order to find the best expression of their ideas. Supported by lectures, slide talks, in-class discussion and critique, students will produce and collaborate on works using 2D, 3D and time-based methods while searching for the expression that best suits their own ideas and practices.
Conditions: It is recommended that students who take this course select an additional elective studio outside of their Major Program area in order to have access to more than one facility and to broaden their cross disciplinary experience. Students are required to be enrolled in at least one course in a given area in order to access its facilities.
Course was last updated May 14, 2014 - 2:27 PM