Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Zen Buddhism and Its Culture (NOT OFFERED IN FALL/WINTER 2012-13)
0.50 Credit(s)
Academic Course
Prerequisite: 10.0 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits) and 1.0 credit of second-year liberal arts & sciences (including 0.5 credit in VISA/VISC/VISD/VISM).
This course is a study of the short stories, poetry, film, visual art, gardens, philosophical writings and other cultural expressions of Buddhism. Through an exploration of the principal themes, notable works and leading historical figures in the movement, students develop an appreciation of the distinctively Buddhist frame of mind, where the focus on meditation and paradox become key elements in the search for enlightenment.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken ACAD 4B12 may not take this course for further credit.
Notes: New Course title as of 2008-09
Course was last updated May 14, 2012 - 4:11 PM