Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Multicultural Social Ethics (NOT OFFERED IN FALL/WINTER 2012-13)
0.50 Credit(s)
Academic Course
Prerequisite: 7.5 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits), and 1.0 credit of second-year liberal arts & sciences (including 0.5 credit in VISA/VISC/VISD/VISM).
A study of key ethical issues in the global context. Taking our approach from multiple points of view derived from American/European, Asian, African, and indigenous societies, we will consider questions such as the following: cultural exploitation, fair trade, social justice, racial discrimination, patenting indigenous knowledge, right to aid, right to food, human rights, justification of war and terrorism, gender rights, the ethical status of abortion, legalization of euthanasia, the value of affirmative action, abuse of power, environmental racism, development and displacement, the problem of ethnocentrism & diversity, terrorism and security, etc. Students will develop tolerance and respect for other cultures and theoretical perspectives, learn how to think critically about ethical issues, and become informed about global ethical values.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken HUMN 3B98: Special Topic In Humanities: Multicultural Social Ethics may not take this couse for further credit.
Course was last updated May 14, 2012 - 4:10 PM