Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Advanced Drawing for 3D Design
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: INDS 2B16 Representation & Communication for ID
and 3.0 first year studio and 1.0 first year liberal studies credits (including the Writing course with a passing grade of 60%)
Well, at least learn how to draw in a way that supports 3D idea exploration and communication… Beginning with basic threedimensional prismatic forms of cube, pyramid and cone, students explore the abstract world of geometric solids as a foundation for threedimensional creative work. Topics include: how to use perspective, axonometric and orthographic drawing (freehand/sketch mode) to generate and explain ideas; perceiving and rendering shade, tone and shadow to add to the effectiveness of a drawing; choosing views, exploded views, doing sectional drawings and arranging multiple views for effective presentation.
Anti-requisite: INDS 3A04 Advanced Drawing for 3D Design
INDS 3B30 Advanced Drawing for 3D Design
Course was last updated June 5, 2012 - 2:33 PM