Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Material Explorations 2
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: INDS 1B02 Material Explorations 1 or INDS 2B13 Material Explorations 1
and 3.0 first year studio and 1.0 first year liberal studies credits (including the Writing course with a passing grade of 60%)
This course involves the study of the fundamental and alternative materials and processes used in built structures and in the mass production of products. Materials and processes are explored in order to gain insight into their technical capabilities and limitations. The functional and expressive outcomes of these materials and processes are also examined. Product function, cultural meaning, specifications, tooling, and assembly methods are examined as essential elements in preparing designs for manufacture. The course will be delivered using lectures, in-class discussions, demonstrations and individual critiques. All assignments based on studio-seminar courses require research and presentations that include verbal, written and visual components. Field trips to manufacturing sites are part of the process.
Notes: Please take special note that this course has material fees associated with it.
Course was last updated August 14, 2012 - 2:03 PM