Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Special Topics: The City as a Site of Social Justice: Race, Place and Public Space [Not offered in 2014-15]
0.50 Credit(s)
This course will begin with an examination of cities: as sites of cultural resistance and resurgence. We will explore local and global spaces within the context of colonialism, industrialization, modernity, globalization, treaties and capitalism. Theories of race, space and place will be addressed and students will work from the scholarship of Doreen Massey in gender, colonialism, modernity; Fredric Jamieson in modernity and capitalism; Henri Lefebvre in the production of space; Lisa Brooks and Mishuana Goeman within ideas of Native space as it relates to cities. Students will explore the ways in which socially active people engage with the city and postulate questions such as, what is the role of artists, activists, and cultural critics in conceiving, creating, and critiquing their relationship to urban spaces?
Course was last updated July 10, 2014 - 1:22 PM