Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Exploration Studio/Personal Space
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: GDES 1B28 Objects & Environments (mimimum grade of 60%) or ENVR 1B02 Environmental Design 2 (mimimum grade of 60%)
and 3.0 first year studio and 1.0 first year liberal studies credits (including the Writing course with a passing grade of 60%)
Corequisite: Students are required to select on Exploration Studio/Personal Space Lab, working in either metal or wood (3 hrs per week)
This course will introduce students to a conceptual approach to the design of form and environment, with a special focus on design at a smaller human scale. The positive support of a person's intimate interaction with and utilization of space and object, as well as its impact on space and form, will be studied through careful review of spatial components and ergonomics. Emphasis will be on three-dimensional design and will require the student to develop, build and present models of their work.

When registering for ENVR 2B17, students must choose an accompanying lab in either Metal or Wood. In these labs, students are introduced to the tools, machinery, materials and processes related to fabricating.
Anti-requisite: ENVR 2K01 Exploration Studio/Personal Space
Notes: Please take special note that this course has material fees associated with it.
Conditions: Requires a minimum grade of 60% to advance to ENVR 2B19 Exploration Studio/Social Space.
Course was last updated June 5, 2012 - 2:26 PM