Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Art of the Black Diaspora
0.50 Credit(s)
Academic Course
Prerequisite: 7.5 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits), and 1.0 credit of second-year liberal arts & sciences (including 0.5 credit in VISA/VISC/VISD/VISM).
This lecture-seminar course will focus on contemporary art of the black diaspora with an emphasis on black Canadian diasporic productions. Students will interrogate the historical and contemporary conditions out of which black diasporic subjectivities are produced and the new cultural forms that emerge. The term ‘black’ locates the political in the broader arena of post-coloniality where contestation and challenge are elaborated. In this post-colonial arena the nation-state is dislodged and new/hybrid formulations, practices, and performances that have implications for transformations and opposition can take shape.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken VISC 3B06 or VISA 3B06: Art of the African Diaspora may not take this course for further credit.
Notes: Course code change 2011-12
Title and description change 2012-13
Course was last updated May 2, 2012 - 4:31 PM