Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Research Methodologies for Graphic Design 1
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: GRPH 2K02 Graphic Design 2 (minimum grade of 60%)
and 9.0 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits)
In this introductory course, students will begin to develop frameworks for understanding the research process, in general, and will become familiar with the discourse of design research, specifically. Basic methods for locating, utilizing, and referencing diverse resource materials are stressed and the skills needed to comprehend and synthesize previously-generated research results from within design contexts are fostered. Through readings, discussions, and work assignments students will improve their abilities to ‘read’ visuals, to conduct both traditional and visual research, and to appreciate the differences between research and fact-finding.
Anti-requisite: GRPH 3A02 Research Methodologies for Graphic Design 1 and/or GRPH 3A03 Research Methodologies for Graphic Design 2
Conditions: Requires a minimum grade of 60% to advance to GRPH 4C02 Graphic Design 4 [corrected 2013-08-09] or GRPH 4C04 Graphic Design Thesis 1
Course was last updated August 9, 2013 - 12:36 PM