Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Introductory Photography: Black & White
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: 3.0 credits of first-year studio and 1.0 credit of first-year liberal studies, (must include one of the Essay and the Argument courses with a passing grade of 60%: ENGL 1B04 or ENGL 1B05, formerly LBST 1B11, LBST 1B12 or LBST 1B13).
This course offers an introduction to the technical and visual tools of photography, including camera functions, film exposure and black-and-white darkroom procedures. In class demonstration, lecture and critiques support hands-on practice.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken PHOT 2C02, Contemporary Photography Studio, may not take this course for credit.
Notes: Students who have taken PHOT 2C02, Contemporary Photography Studio, may not take this course for credit.

* Students who completed PHOT 2B03 in first year may not repeat this course and must instead select an additional 0.5 credit year 2 level Art elective.
Conditions: APPLICABLE TO SECTIONS OFFERED AS CORE FOCUS ELECTIVES ONLY: Students must have completed a minimum of 1.0 credit of First-year studio curriculum.
Course was last updated May 14, 2014 - 2:51 PM