Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Illustration 2
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: ILLU 2B04 Illustration 1 (minimum grade 60%)
or ILLU2K01 Illustration 1 (minimum grade of 60%)
and 3.0 first year studio and 1.0 first year liberal studies credits (including the Writing course with a passing grade of 60%)
Distinctions between categories of contemporary Illustration, regarding function, usage and audience, are systematically explored and defined through the development of book, editorial and advertising images. Students apply ideation methodologies, visual strategies, diverse media and professional practices to assignments approximating commissions by clients. Various contexts for assessing illustration- artistic, commercial, ethical, and societal- are compared, to discuss the illustrator’s role in shaping culture.
Anti-requisite: ILLU 2K02 Illustration 2
Conditions: Requires a minimum grade of 60% to advance to Illustration 3.
Course was last updated June 5, 2012 - 2:32 PM