Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Methods in Visual and Critical Studies (NOT OFFERED IN FALL/WINTER 2012-13)
0.50 Credit(s)
Academic Course
Prerequisite: 7.5 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits) and 1.0 credit of second-year liberal arts & sciences (including 0.5 credit in VISA/VISC/VISD/VISM).
How do researchers in visual and critical studies conceive of their objects of study? How do they gather, evaluate, and interpret information as the basis for their accounts? How do they structure their research and conclusions into coherent narratives? This course examines these and other questions, through an introduction to the diversity of methods utilized in the study of visual culture. Methods to be studied may include but are not limited to: practice-based research, qualitative and quantitative methods (ethnography, interviews, field-work), archival and bibliographic research, textual analysis, formalist, stylistic, and typological analyses, and selected theoretical frameworks (Marxism, feminism, psychoanalysis, etc.).
Course was last updated May 14, 2012 - 4:20 PM