Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Illustrative Drawing and Painting 5
0.50 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: ILLU 4B10 Illustrative Drawing and Painting 4 or ILLU 4A02 Drawing and Painting for Illustrators 3
and 14.0 credits, including all first-year and second- year requirement (10.0 credits)
The development of a personal visual language applicable to illustration through the integration of advanced drawing and painting skills is a critical component of this course. Through direct observation of the human figure situated in its environment, students explore the relationship between the subject and the viewer, between narrative and symbolism, and between representation and abstraction. Contemporary issues and means of representation are discussed, encouraging students to explore non-traditional media and mark-making. The course's content is delivered by using lectures, demonstrations, group and individual critiques. Students work from life, and on occasion, continue with sustained poses from one class to the next.
Notes: To meet the learning outcomes of this course, students are required to work from nude male and female figure models in the studio environment.
Course was last updated May 17, 2013 - 11:00 AM