Ontario College of Art & Design

Course Calendar


Sound, Politics and Media Art
0.50 Credit(s)
Academic Course
Prerequisite: 10.0 credits, including all first-year requirements (5.0 credits) and 1.0 credit of second-year liberal arts & sciences (including 0.5 credit in VISA/VISC/VISD/VISM).
This course considers sound as a social, aesthetic, historical, material, and political phenomenon, highlighting how sound is integrated into and complements contemporary artistic practices. Students will learn about sound art, sound installation, and experimental music; be introduced to the physics of sound; and explore how sonic and extra-sonic forces collide. Through these foci, the course addresses the cultural politics of sound, sound-making, hearing, and performance.
Anti-requisite: Students who have taken HUMN 3B91: Special Topic In Humanities: Sound Objects: Investigating Experimental Music may not take this course for further credit.
Course was last updated May 2, 2012 - 5:00 PM