Friday, June 24
Recommended deadline to apply for OSAP for new students coming to OCAD directly from high school who want to be considered for the Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship.
Monday, June 27
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 9:00 a.m. for students new first-year students.
Thursday, June 30
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 9:00 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 17.5 or more credits.
Monday, July 4
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 12:05 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 14.5 to 17.25 credits.
Thursday, July 7
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 12:05 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 12.0 to 14.25 credits.
Tuesday, July 12
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 12:05 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 9.5 to 11.75 credits.
Thursday, July 14
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 12:05 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 6.0 to 9.25 credits.
Monday, July 18
2011 fall and 2012 winter registration opens at 12:05 a.m. for students who have completed a total of 0 to 5.75 credits.
Priority enrolment is lifted for Year 4 courses (except Thesis). Remaining spaces in courses will be open to students in other Faculties and Majors.
Recommended deadline to apply for OSAP for new and returning students to guarantee funds will be available in September.
Thursday, July 21
Priority enrolment is lifted for Year 3 courses. Remaining spaces in courses will be open to students in other Faculties and Majors.
Friday, July 22
Deadline to submit Special Studies (Field Study or Self-Directed Study) registration and proposal forms for 2011 fall semester (duration 2) credit.
Last day to submit graduation applications to the Office of the Registrar for Fall 2011 Graduation without a late fee.
Deadline to submit Letter of Permission requests to study at another accredited post-secondary institution for 2011 fall semester credit.
Monday, August 1
Priority enrolment is lifted for Year 2 courses. Remaining spaces in courses will be open to students in other Faculties and Majors.
Tuesday, August 2
Registration begins at 9 am for Alumni admitted to Postgraduate certificate programs. Contact the appropriate Faculty office to request access to required courses.
Registration begins at 9 am for students admitted to OCAD University on Special student status. Course eligibility is based on a brief personal interview. Contact the appropriate Faculty office to make an appointment.
Friday, August 12
Deadline for Mobility/Exchange applications for the 2012 winter semester to the International Student Services Office.
Friday, August 26
Last day for fee payment without a late fee. Students who have not paid their fees in full, submitted a Student Loan Deferment Form to the Financial Aid & Awards Office, OR provided proof of sponsorship to the Student Accounts Clerk by this deadline will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Students who register for courses after Friday, August 26 must pay their fees in full by the next business day. Students who have not paid their fees in full by the next business day of registering will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Saturday, August 27 to Monday, September 12
Late registration period for new registrants for 2011 full year (duration 1) and fall semester (duration 2) courses, with a late fee. Students who do not pay their fees in full by the next business day of registering will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Tuesday, August 30 to Friday, September 16
Fall OSAP Disbursement, Level 1, 51 McCaul Street as per the schedule available from the Financial Aid & Awards Office. Please refer to http://www.ocad.ca/students/financial_matters/loan_programs/osap_loans.htm#receiving_
osap for further information.
Monday, September 5
Labour Day. University closed.
Tuesday, September 6
First day of 2011 full year (duration 1) and fall semester (duration 2) classes.
Office of the Registrar open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 7
Office of the Registrar open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, September 12
Last day to withdraw from full year (duration 1) and fall semester (duration 2) courses with 100% refund.
Last day for full year (duration 1) and fall semester (duration 2) late course registration. Registration closes for full year (duration 1) and fall semester (Duration 2) adds, drops and course changes.
Tuesday, September 13 to Monday, September 26
Withdrawal period for fall semester (duration 2) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Tuesday, September 13 to Friday, October 7
Withdrawal period for full year (duration 1) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Wednesday, September 21
Last day to submit graduation applications to the Office of the Registrar for Fall 2011 Graduation with a late fee.
Friday, September 23
Self-Directed Study Critique #1 due. Critique forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Monday, September 26
Deadline to request a deferred examination for full year (duration 1) and fall semester (duration 2) courses on the basis of religious obligations and exam conflicts.
Last day to withdraw from fall semester (duration 2) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Tuesday, September 27 to Friday, October 7
Withdrawal period for fall semester (duration 2) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Friday, September 30
Deadline to submit a waiver to opt out of the Student Benefit Plans (Dental and/or Health) or for students to opt into one or both of these plans (part-time student or family coverage).
Thursday, October 6
Final deadline to apply for Full-time OSAP (for students registered full-time in the fall semester only).
Friday, October 7
Last day to withdraw from fall semester (duration 2) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Last day to withdraw from full year (duration 1) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Saturday, October 8 to Friday, November 4
Withdrawal period for fall semester (duration 2) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Withdrawal period for full year (duration 1) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Monday, October 10
Thanksgiving Day. University closed.
Friday, October 21
Self-Directed Study Critique #2 due. Critique forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Friday, October 28
Field-Study Assessment #1 due. Assessment forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Deadline to submit Letter of Permission requests to study at another accredited post-secondary institution for 2012 winter semester credit.
Final deadline to apply for Part-time OSAP (for students registered part-time in the fall semester only).
Monday, October 31
Deadline to submit Applications to Change First Year Program for First-year students.
Friday, November 4
Last day to withdraw from fall semester (duration 2) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Last day to withdraw from full year (duration 1) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Deadline to submit Applications for Reinstatement for 2012 summer admission.
Deadline to submit applications for Alumni Degree Completion for studies beginning Summer 2012.
Saturday, November 5 to Friday, February 3
Final withdrawal period for full year (duration 1) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Friday, November 11
Deadline to submit Special Studies (Field Study or Self-Directed Study) registration and proposal forms for 2012 winter semester (duration 3) credit.
Tuesday, November 29
Last day of regular fall semester (duration 2) classes.
Last Monday class of the fall semester. Classes held on Tuesday, November 29 will be those originally scheduled on Mondays.
Wednesday, November 30 to Saturday, December 10
Final examination and critique period for fall semester (duration 2) classes. Student attendance is required.
Wednesday, December 7
Study Day. No examinations/critiques scheduled.
Friday, December 9
Field-Study Assessment #2 due. Assessment and grade submission forms must be submitted to the appropriate Faculty office by 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, December 10
End of 2011 fall semester.
Friday, December 16
Deadline for fee payment for new registrants in 2012 winter semester (duration 3) courses. Students who do not pay their fees in full by the next business day of registering will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Self-Directed Study Critique #3 and Grade Submission due. Critique and grade submission forms must be submitted to the appropriate Faculty office by 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, December 17 to Friday, January 13
Late registration period for new registrants for 2012 winter semester (duration 3) courses with a late fee. Students who do not pay their fees in full by the next business day of registering will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Monday, December 19 to Sunday, January 1
Holiday break. University closed.
Monday, December 19 to Monday, January 2
2012 winter semester (duration 3) course registration closes at 4 p.m. and will re-open on Monday January 2, 2012 at 9 a.m.
Wednesday, January 4 to Friday, January 20
Winter OSAP Disbursement, Level 1, 51 McCaul Street as per the schedule available from the Financial Aid & Awards office. Please refer to http://www.ocad.ca/students/financial_matters/loan_programs/osap_loans.htm#receiving_osap for further information.
Monday, January 9
First day of 2012 winter semester classes.
Office of the Registrar open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 10
Office of the Registrar open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 11
Deadline for grade changes, including incomplete grades for 2011 fall semester (duration 2) courses.
Friday, January 13
Last day to withdraw from winter semester (duration 3) courses with 100% refund.
Last day for winter semester (duration 3) late registration. Registration closes for winter semester (duration 3) adds, drops and course changes.
Last day for second installment fee payment without a late fee due by 4 p.m. Students who have not paid their fees in full, submitted a Student Loan Deferment Form to the Financial Aid & Awards Office, OR provided proof of sponsorship to the Student Accounts Clerk by this deadline will incur a $50 late payment fee.
Saturday, January 14 to Friday, January 27
Withdrawal period for winter semester (duration 3) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Friday, January 20
Final deadline to apply for Full-time OSAP (for students registered full-time in the fall & winter semesters).
Self-Directed Study Critique #1 due. Critique forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Application deadline for 2012/2013 Florence Advanced Visual Studies Certificate Program.
Application deadline for 2012/2013 Florence Off-Campus Studies Program.
Wednesday, January 25
Last day to submit grade appeals for 2011 fall semester (duration 2) courses.
Friday, January 27
Last day to withdraw from winter semester (duration 3) courses with 65% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Deadline to request a deferred examination for winter semester (duration 3) courses on the basis of religious obligations.
Saturday, January 28 to Friday, February 10
Withdrawal period for winter semester (duration 3) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Friday, January 31
First day to submit Program Major Request form for First-year Faculty of Art students.
Friday, February 3
Last day to withdraw from full year (duration 1) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Last day to submit Convocation applications to the Office of the Registrar for Spring 2012 Convocation without a late fee.
Deadline to submit Applications for Reinstatement for following fall/winter semester.
Deadline to submit Application to Change Major/Program for the following fall/winter semesters.
Deadline to submit applications for Alumni Degree Completion for studies beginning September 2012.
Wednesday, February 8
Final deadline to apply for Full-time OSAP (for students registered full-time in the winter semester only).
Friday, February 10
Last day to withdraw from winter semester (duration 3) courses with 50% tuition refund. Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Deadline to submit Program Major Request form for First-year Faculty of Art students.
Saturday, February 11 to Friday, March 16
Final withdrawal period for winter semester (duration 3) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during regular office hours.
Friday, February 17
Deadline for Mobility/Exchange applications for the 2012 fall semester to the International Student Services Office.
Deadline to submit OSAP appeals to the Financial Aid & Awards Office.
Monday, February 20
Family Day. University closed.
Tuesday, February 21 to Friday, February 24
Study Week. No classes scheduled.
Friday, February 24
Field-Study Assessment #1 due. Assessment forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Self-Directed Study Critique #2 due. Critique forms must be approved by the supervising teaching faculty and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4:30 p.m.
Monday, March 9
Final deadline to apply for Part-time OSAP (for students registered part-time in the winter semester only).
Friday, March 16
Last day to withdraw from winter semester (duration 3) courses (no refund). Course withdrawal request forms must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m.
Friday, March 23
Deadline to submit Letter of Permission request to study at another accredited post-secondary institution for 2012 summer semester credit.
Monday, April 2
Deadline to submit Special Studies (Field Study or Self-Directed Study) registration and proposal forms for 2012 summer semester credit.
Friday, April 6
Good Friday. University closed.
Monday, April 9
Last day of regular winter semester classes.
Last Friday class of the winter semester. Classes held on Monday, April 9 will be those originally scheduled on Fridays.
Tuesday, April 10 to Friday, April 20
Final examination and critique period for full year (duration 1) and winter semester (duration 3) classes. Student attendance is required.
Friday, April 13
Final Self-Directed Study Critique and Grade Submission due. Critique and grade submission forms must be submitted to the appropriate Faculty office by 4:30 p.m.
Final Field-Study Assessment and Grade Submission due. Assessment and grade submission forms must be submitted to the appropriate Faculty office by 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 17
Study Day. No examinations/critiques scheduled.
Friday, April 20
End of 2012 winter semester.
Thursday, May 3 to Friday, May 4
97th Annual Student Exhibition.
Monday, May 7
Deadline for grade changes, including incomplete grades, for full year (duration 1) and winter semester (duration 3) courses.
Monday, May 21
Victoria Day. University closed.
Tuesday, May 22
Last day to submit grade appeals for full year (duration 1) and winter semester (duration 3) courses.
Thursday, June 7
Spring Convocation. Office of the Registrar closed.
Last Modified:10/3/2012 5:02:04 PM