A number of Liberal Studies courses fulfill mandatory requirements for specific programs in the Faculty of Art or Faculty of Design. For fall/winter registrations, this means that courses offered in winter will have priority registration only during the Summer registration period. Be sure to check your program requirements well in advance of the registration period.
Priority Enrolment:
Most courses have priority registration for students in a specific Faculty and/or Major. Priority enrolment will end according to the dates below, after which any remaining spaces in courses (except Thesis) will be open to students in other Faculties and Majors.
Year 4 courses – priority enrolment will be lifted on Friday July 16, 2010
Year 3 courses – priority enrolment will be lifted on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Year 2 courses – priority enrolment will be lifted on Thursday July 29, 2010 (updated 2010-07-19)
The Liberal Studies Office does not use override forms. The only way you can get into a course that is full is to receive permission from the instructor directly.
Instructors are not obligated to take extra students into a course; it is their decision. They also cannot waive general prerequisites like needing 1.0 credits at the 200 level to take a 300 or 400 level course.
Try registering online first. If the message says: “There are no sections available” then the course is full.
You must also ensure you have all the course prerequisites. If you feel you have a good enough reason to be granted permission to take the course, you must follow these 3 steps:
Step 1: Contact the instructor by email and go to the class.
• To contact a faculty member: first initial + last name @faculty.ocad.ca
(e.g. Bill Leeming = bleeming@faculty.ocad.ca)
• Be sure to give the instructor your name, student number, and email address.
• Instructors' names are listed on the Course Schedule. If no instructor is listed, you will have wait until they are confirmed and check the schedule regularly on your own.
Step 2: If the instructor gives you permission to take the course, they must send an email to
Craig Porter, at cporter@ocad.ca or Leiko Shimizu, at lshimizu@ocad.ca with your name, student #, email address & course code.
Requests from instructors must be received by the Liberal Studies Office by 4pm the Thursday before the deadline to add a course in the fall semester and by 12 noon the Thursday before to the deadline to add a course in the winter semester. No late requests will be considered. Please note that late registration is only one week starting Fall 2009.
We will then RESERVE a space for you on the registration system and contact you by email.
If you are not contacted, please come and see someone in the Liberal Studies office (315).
Step 3: IMPORTANT: Once you have been contacted, you must go online and register for the course yourself.
If you fail to do this, you will not be registered in the course.
You are responsible for registering for all your courses online. Just because you are attending a course, does not mean you are registered for it. Please ensure your name is on the updated class list.
Please be sure to check the Dates & Deadlines for registration online.
Last Modified:1/24/2012 12:57:19 PM