Students may add cross-disciplinary knowledge to their major program of study by completing a minor in another area. An art minor is a series of courses comprising 5.0 full credits in a single field of study (disciplinary minor).
Courses required for a student’s major may not be used to fulfill requirements for a minor. Art students may use up to 2.0 credits of their art electives and up to 3.0 credits of liberal studies distribution credits toward a minor. Design students may use up to 1.5 credits of their expansion studio options and up to 3.0 credits of liberal studies distribution credits toward a minor. No 100-level courses may be used toward a minor and no less than 1.0 full credit of a minor must be at the 300 or 400 level.
Declaring a Minor
Students wishing to have a minor recorded on their transcript must declare the minor no later than February 1 of the year they apply to graduate, and no earlier than February 1 of their first year of study at OCAD University.
Forms for declaring the minor are available online or from the Office of the Registrar.
Last Modified:6/11/2013 2:53:06 PM